Thursday, May 12, 2016

What’s the Authentication of GPON


In the PON system, downstream data is broadcast to all ONUs. As a result, downstream data destined for certain ONUs or all ONUs may be intercepted by illegal users.
Figure 1 Authentication process 
An optical line terminal (OLT) authenticates an optical network unit (ONU) based on the authentication information reported by the ONU and rejects unauthorized ONUs. Only authenticated ONUs can access a passive optical network (PON). This function enables carriers to manage and maintain devices on the PON network flexibly and conveniently.

Authentication Modes

10G GPON support three authentication modes:
· SN
· SN + Password
· Password
NOTE: The difference between the authentication for a 10G GPON terminal and that for a GPON terminal is that the authentication for a 10G GPON terminal expands the password length from 10 bytes to 36 bytes.

Authentication Process

Figure 2 shows the authentication process:
Figure 2 Authentication Process 
The authentication process include six states:
· O1: Initial state.
· O2-3: Serial Number state.
· O4: Ranging state.
· O5: Operation state.
· O6: Intermittent LODS state.
· O7: Emergency Stop state.
The authentication process include two timers:
· TO1: Ranging timer.
· TO2: LODS timer.

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